Repair & Clean Monuments
Wayne and Kyle used Metregrip 303 epoxy to repair a 100 year old monument. They chose this product, as it has the same properties as the CP Bond for maximum adherence, but yet has a thicker viscosity to better fill the voids of the rough surface. See how they shim the stone up so a hoist was not needed.
Next, they cleaned the stones. They used D/2 Biological Solution primarily – it worked well to power wash the grime off! It looked pretty good. But Wayne is picky and he found it could use a little more TLC to return the monuments to their brightest whiteness; so he also used Clean Stone and a little scrubbing with a brush.
Summary: The granite die, from the early 1900’s, was on the ground for many years. Its foundation was broken. Wayne and Kyle dug out the foundation, cleaned, and poured new cement. They returned the base and leveled it out. Next, they gradually shimmed the top piece up to where it was easily tipped up to settle on its base. They tipped the stone slightly to apply the 303 Metregrip epoxy.
Then it was time to clean monuments. The D/2 Biological Solution did a good job. It was especially easy with the power washer. After spraying D/2 onto the stones, they waited only 5 minutes and power washed off the lichen and dirt.