Water Treatment example F&B

Water Treatment example:
Fraccaroli & Balzan – a customer set up for the Stone Industry

A customer's set up for water treatmentWaste Water Filtration Plants for the Stone Industry
1. Waste water collection tank & pumps
2. Automatic Flocculant Station
3. Vertical Clarifier Silo
4. Automatic Mud Discharge Valve
5. Tank for slurry homogenizing
6. Centrifugal pump for feeding Filterpress
7. Filterpress
8. Collection Tank for purified water

How does it work?
-Waste water goes into dirty water pit with Sump Pump *1*
-Dirty water is pumped into silo. As it goes up the pipe and into the silo the Flocculant is pumped in *2*
-1 and 2 come together.
-After the flocculant, it goes into the Silo *3*
-Then the heavies settle, the Pneumatic valve opens *4*
-When 4 opens it goes into Homogenizing tank *5*
-Then the sludge pump *6* pumps to filter press *7*
-Clean water gravity feeds into tank *8*

See Plant unit breakdown  and see also Water Recycling Plant Information
or view Request a Quote here

Water Filtration Systems for Stone Laboratories – Compact Units
Fraccaroli & Balzan S.p.A. offers water filtration systems called “COMPACT UNITS” suitable for the stone industry processing either natural or artificial stone. Compact plants supply customers with a complete, turn-key plant, easy to assemble and to operate. The treatment capacity ranges from 100 l/min to 750 l/min. The plants are fully automatic, they can recover up to 98% of water and they are in compliance with environmental regulation.


Models of Vertical Clarifier Compact FB

Capacity 750 lt/min – Filter press FB 400/5

FB Model 2350V WD 750 filter 400

Capacity 550 lt/min – Filter press FB 300/5

Model 2350V 550 Filter 300

Capacity 500 lt/min – Filter press FB 400/5

Model 2000V 500-400

Capacity 500 lt/min – complete with nr. 2 filtering bags

Model 2000V WD SMedium Plant and Compact Water Treatment example, call for your custom needs! 800-396-8049

Water Recycling Plant Information more info or you can Request a Quote here