[shown here: SandHander, Empire tanks: stationary & portable, conveyor, manual curtain, ducting, Torit dust control, Marco blast pot]Miles Supply has supplied products for the stone industry for 70 years. We’ve sold you equipment and supplies like stencils and abrasive as well as handling equipment. But did you know that we will do site visits to your facility and help you become more efficient?
We can layout and design a beneficial and efficient workflow of your shop with custom conveyors, turn tables and transfer carts. We can help increase production with the right equipment and layout.
We have many success stories where we have increased production by more than 50% by simply reducing how the stone is moved by cranes or carts.
Our Sandhandler rooms and curtains are state of the art, with custom sizes available. The SandHandler system is a proven and reliable system that can also increase production. We have over 350 success stories with this product alone!
Recently we began building our own custom Miles Manual Shaping Curtains that are designed to replace the older models on the market. The model is a standard 7’6” and will easily replace your older models and are designed to be easy to repair and use.
Our most innovative and important offering is our people! We pride ourselves in having the best of the best in the industry with years of experience. Our sales staff and our technicians are trained and innovative when they are evaluating your company. They take your needs into consideration and develop a plan that will meet your goals both in the short and long term. We will install, train and support you every step of the way!
Look at some of the innovative layouts we have developed and see what just a few of our happy customers have to say about how we can help!
“We were considering this purchase* for quite some time and Brady at Miles Supply in Elberton made it very easy to make the decision to purchase the SandHandler, the install and instructional training was great. From the start of the order process down to the first stone blasted they were there to make sure
everything went as promised. I recommend this machine of Elberton, GA to everyone in the industry. Thanks for making this a more productive year and helping us grow so we can better serve our customers here at Ward’s Services, Inc. Tabor City, NC.” Mitchell Ward, Owner/Manager
Mark Gherardi (Owner of Buttura & Gherardi Granite Artisans in Vermont) comments: “We have installed two Sandhandler systems and are very impressed with our results. Blasting rates are approximately 30% faster than our other automated sandblast rooms, the rooms are very quiet in operation, and simple to operate. We highly recommend these systems.”
“Thank you to Miles Supply for their innovative design, transforming our shop’s sandblast procedure from the stone age to a modern sandblast line. Reducing unnecessary lifting and moving granite, noise as well as airborne dust in the shop. We have doubled our production using the same manpower without sacrificing quality.” Richard Brooks from Buzzi Memorials in Connecticut
Call us at one of our 6 locations: VT: 800.396.8049 • GA: 888.283.5863 • PA: 888.278.8383 • MN: 800.789.0815 • TX: 844.883.4108 • IL: 815.847.0080 • milessupply.com
See other installs/layouts: here and here – Click for Quote for conveyor system